
You can contact the BioImageXD team by email or by sending bug reports. If you wish to contact the BioImageXD main development team, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Feel free to give us suggestions on how to improve BioImageXD, all constructive criticism is welcome. You can also contact us if you wish to contribute to the development of the software.

Bug reports
For bug reports, we recommend that you use our bug tracking system. Note that the more information you provide, the better the chances of us fixing it. Please remember to include your OS as well as the BioImageXD version. After crash, you can use Report bug tool in the software. Those who give email address are quaranteed personal reply.

Mailing lists
You can also contact the developers and other users of BioImageXD to discuss your problems or participate in the development via our mailing lists. The bioimagexd-devel list is dedicated to discussing the development of BioImageXD. The bioimagexd-user list is for discussing all issues related to the use of BioImageXD. Mailing list info can be found from here.

Please note that even if you report a problem via the mailing lists, or by directly emailing us, we would still appreciate if you also filed in the same report on the bug tracking system. It helps us keep track of issues.